Film Programme, Public Fund for Cultural Activities



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Filmski program, Javni sklad republike Slovenije za kulturne dejavnosti
Štefanova 5, SI-1001 Ljubljana
Phone386 (0) 1 241 0500

The Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD) has run a Film Programme for decades. It announces an annual public call for cultural associations and also supports selected film activities. Each year the JSKD's Film Programme organises a popular 5-month film and video seminar/laboratory on visual means of expression, film dramaturgy and directing, film script development, and the study of the light. The participants get a chance to experience a film shooting in the studios of the Viba Film Studio in Piran, and get to learn about the history of film. The fund also organises intensive summer workshops on film and video production that take place in the coastal town of Piran. A part of the education and social programme consists of annual gatherings and meetings for young film and video makers. The JSKD also supports the publishing of literature in the field of film education.

See also

External links

Filmski program, Javni sklad republike Slovenije za kulturne dejavnosti +
Filmski program, Javni sklad republike Slovenije za kulturne dejavnosti +
SI-1001 Ljubljana +
Štefanova 5 +
The Public Fund for Cultural Activities (JSKD) has run a Film Programme for decades. +
+386 / 1 241 0500 +
Ljubljana +
SI-1001 +
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